Inspiration from Info We Trust #026 🔀
Inspiration from Info We Trust #026
In 1861 Charles-Joseph Minard, eighty years old, published a treatise on his “useful idea" titled Graphic Tables and Figurative Maps. The folio-sized publication includes a seven-page essay chronicling the development of his ingenious flow maps. It ends with several colorful examples. The essay reveals the design thinking behind Minard's extraordinary creative power.
This week I am proud to publish a new English translation of Minard's treatise, fully illustrated with 18 period maps, diagrams, and artifacts never before assembled together. The essay gives a privileged behind-the-scenes look into how spectacular design takes form. Read it here:
Fans of Minard and information graphics will love this ride. The essay builds and builds as Minard explains the historic context, early mistakes, evolution, and eventual embrace of his flow map designs. Minard even details how others copied him, sometimes manipulating data to provide graphical counter-arguments.
Minard summed up his contribution perfectly, "not only do my maps speak, they count and they calculate for the eye."
This new translation has been in the works for almost a year. In June 2019 I received an 1879 French atlas not directly related to Minard. In the atlas was very unexpectedly tucked an original copy of the Minard folio. You can see the original livestream video of the discovery on Twitter (it gets good around 1:30).
Receiving this surprising boon drew my attention to this important piece of design history and set me on a quest to understand it on my own. Once I appreciated Minard's writing I knew I had to share it with the world. Since June I was able to collaborate with William Berg, Professor Emeritus at Wisconsin-Madison, to complete the translation. Read the Minard essay on Info We Trust.
Thank you for everyone who reached out in support of my upcoming trip to London and the Netherlands. I am still seeking input for ways to boost this trip through interesting recommendations and introductions, including: hosting me in London, speaking engagements, workshops, and (very short) consulting services.
In February a Kickstarter campaign will launch to crowd-fund the printing of a new map. I created it, in an Isotype style, in celebration of the natural wonders of California. It is titled Cross-sections through California. Here's what the top of the map looks like. Believe me, there's a lot more below:
I expect print proofs in the next day or so and am very excited to share this map with you. Stay tuned to this newsletter for updates on how to get first access to the Kickstarter campaign.
Onward! -RJ
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