Exclusive: "early bird" link for map 🦜
The campaign to fund the map is on.
We are live!
This map aspires to what we all love about information graphics: they inform and delight.
Cross-Sections through California is now ready for your backing. Visit Kickstarter now to take advantage of reward options that will only be available during the campaign's first few days:

This map is meant to be held, in real life. Together we can make it real. I have noticed that everyone who has held the print proof smiles:

This is the only time I will message this newsletter exclusively about this Kickstarter campaign. Future campaign updates will be conveyed through Twitter and the Kickstarter page: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/visionary-press/california-portrait-map-fun-to-fold-beautiful-to-hold
Thank you for helping me make this map real.
Onward! -RJ